Nestled amidst the dynamic cityscape, Sobha Orbis emerges as an emblem of refined living, beckoning those who crave the pinnacle of sophistication. It is the epitome of urban living located in Motor City, Dubai. The premium towers with meticulously crafted 1, 1.5 and 2 Bed Homes exude elegance and offer a lifestyle that transcends the ordinary. A broad choice of extensive range of top-notch amenities, each designed to enrich your living experience by providing luxury and convenience. This exceptional property's prime location sets the backdrop for a lifestyle of convenience and elegance.
Key Highlights: -Ultra-Luxe Waterfront 1 & 2-Bed Residences -Limited Edition Residences Are Available -Loaded With World-Class Amenities -A Grand Clubhouse -Affordable Down Payment -Easy & Flexible 60:40 Payment Plan -Located At Motor City, Dubai fäm Properties Contact Us - +971-45421025 Toll free: 800fam800 (800 326 800) Email: Visit our website: